September 29, 2019
I’m writing to express thanks to Robert Seals, his wife Kanka, and Mark Kesterson for my class of adult English language learners and myself for an experience they would never have were it not for their generous offer of their time and the resource of the whale watching boat, Playtime.
My class is comprised of mostly field workers in the Watsonville area. For a special school year-end treat Robert Seals offered the use of the boat Playtime for my class and their children to experience a whale-watching afternoon.
These are people who have never, and, most likely, would never get an opportunity to have an excursion like this. For this he did not charge my students (including their children) nor myself for this wonderful afternoon of whale watching and Monterey Bay exploration. We’re so grateful to Robert and his people for granting us this opportunity, and I sincerely hope that he can find foundations that will see the work he does with our community as worthy of their support.
Yours sincerely,
Greg Swim
ESL Teacher, Adult Education; Watsonville, CA
831. 254. 8382

Mark Mathews <mmathews@santacruzcoe.org>
Mon, Oct 28, 7:55 AM (3 days ago)
to robert, me, Paul, Sean, Laura, Camy, Rene, Lorraine, Becca, Kimberly, Lisa, Marissa, Johnny
Robert, thank you so much for providing these great experiences for the students of Ponderosa, Lighthouse, Louden, DeWitt, El Nido, and Natural Bridges High Schools! And our thanks to Captain Mark, First Mate Kanaka and Second Mate Kim. These are experiences our students will never forget!
Mark Mathews
Teacher, Independent Studies
Director, Alternative Schools Sports League
Alternative Education Department
Santa Cruz County Office of Education
(831) 332-6218
From: Paul Garcia
Sent: Friday, October 25, 2019 5:39 PM
To: Mark Mathews <mmathews@santacruzcoe.org>
I CANNOT thank you enough for organising and offering the last two weeks of opportunities for our students. These experiences have had a tremendously positive impact on our students! Your continued work Is truly appreciated! PLEASE pass our utmost gratitude to Robert and his non-profit crew!! Our community is so very, very grateful!
Paul and the Pondo Team
Camy Ditter <cditter@santacruzcoe.org>
Oct 29, 2019, 2:33 PM (2 days ago)
to Mark, robert, me
Ditto! Thank you so much Robert. Your generosity to our students is so appreciated and it truly does bring enrichment to their lives. We are all so fortunate to live in this beautiful area and the opportunity to get the students "up close and personal" with the might ocean is a real gift.
Thanks again to you too Mark for helping all of us bring this opportunity to the kids.
Warm regards,
Camy Ditter, Teacher
Santa Cruz County Office of Education
Lighthouse Personalized Learning Community