Ocean Spirit
Ocean Spirit - a 38 foot RHIB
This vessels acquisition is an instrument for
the community venue upon which
Mother Natures Temple is able to fulfill our intentions.
We have also donated Ocean Spirit use for:
Support for the Whale Entanglement Team (WET)® saving whales one at a time. .
under the authority of NOAA's Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program.
(Several members attended the training seminars at
Moss Landing)
Cabrillo Collage Marine Studies Program.
Grey Bears staff and volunteers cruise.
Walk to End Alzheimer's - DeAnze Santa Cruz
Pajaro Valley School District
Camp Sea Lab
Santa Cruz Alternative Education
Watsonville New School
Watsonville Department of Recreation
Wild Child
City of Watsonville Environmental Workshop
Teen Earth Magic
Several birthday parties, family gatherings and local business gatherings for outings on the Monterery Bay.
Ocean Spirit is truly a unique community venue for the study of
marine life and the enjoyment of the Monterey Bay.

The canoes
To further augment marine life awareness we have procured two 30 foot ocean canoes that are used in conjunction with Ocean Spirit for outings on the bio diverse ecosystems of Monterey Bay and Elkhorn slough.
The canoes provides a safe team effort for 6 to 14 people to have an intimate experience with the marine life and the oceans energy.

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