Mother Natures Temple is a Valid Non-Profit
We are and always will be a not-for-profit entity. We shall be funded by donations, grants, rental of equipment and properties, the manufacturing and sale of ecological, sustainable goods and fees collected from diverse seminars, workshops, classes and clinics.
Our many activities shall include, but are not limited to: weekly earth-based gatherings, environmental awareness, conferences, children's activities, addiction and abuse support, weddings, funerals, outreach services, summer camps and retreats, yoga, meditation, music, art and dance.
If you appreciate what we are creating in the world and would like to donate to Mother Natures Temple, either use the Paypal button above or....
Mail us a check/money order payable to
Mother Nature's Temple
644 Hester Creek Rd
Los Gatos, CA 95033
Thank You
EIN # 45-2628206
State of California
Fanchise Tax Board
ATTN:MARK KESTERSON Case: 2660052058i969910
644 HESTERCREEKRD Case Unit: 2660052058 969913
LOSGATOSCA 95033 In reply refer to: 760:TLS:F1 0
Regarding : Tax-Exempt Status
Organization's Name : Mother Natures Temple
CCN :3387331
Purpose : Religious
R&TC§ : 23701d
Form of Organization : Incorporated
Accounting Period Ending : 12/31
Tax-ExemptStatus Effective : 06/20/2011
Exempt Determination Letter
We have determined the organization is tax-exempt from California franchise or income tax as stated
in the above Revenue and Taxation Code (R&TC) section (§).
FT6 9941 PASS(REV03-2013) Exempt Application\Correspondence \
Theresa L. Schock
Telephone: 916.845.4171
Fax: 916.843.0932
FTB 9941 PASS (REV 03-2013) Exempt Application\Correspondence \
LTR 005 - EDL